Educational Resources

We have created a navigation page for you to source copyright free wine education content that we have made for you to use!

Explore below for your resources~

Download Sections

  • Tasting Sheets

    Here's the current tasting sheets by guild.
    Print at your leisure, use this for your convenience!

  • Maps

    Trace them, draw them, reference them!

    Use these for your studies or plug them into your presentations for others

  • Worksheets

    Every class needs homework, but we like the fun type! Explore this section to discover our style of education or use it to inspire your own content

  • 101 Classes

    Want an easy template to start your wine class from?
    Try this template to build your class from!

  • Stock Photos

    There’s so many wonderful stock photos out there with someone’s name on it. We decided to give you full autonomy of our content to use as you need freely

  • Stock Art

    This is an experimental section we plan on growing as we use AI creativity to generate wine art for your educational presentations!